Alex & Joe - Utah Lake Couples Session

Alex has been such a great friend over the years. She came when we had Logan to help as we were trying to get a handle on school and a new baby. She also came in this month to meet Oakley and was so sweet to help while we adjusted again to our new family dynamic, still as student parents. Logan loves his Auntie Alex and Joe and it was sweet getting to watch my kiddos bond even more with my friends.

While here in Utah, Alex and Joe wanted to take some fun winter pictures. We went out to Utah Lake which was gorgeous! However, we ended up going on a day where there was some crazy wind. We could barely see with how hard the wind was blowing (not to mention how much colder it felt!). Alex and Joe were such troopers though and we got real creative finding ways to still get some fun images even with the uncooperative weather. At one point we all were crouched behind my car trying to avoid the insane wind pick up.

These two are so cute together <3 Even with our session cut shorter due to the cold, we still got so many BEAUTIFUL images, and I am excited to show you some of my favorites from the session.